Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Ayat Of The Day: Ali' Imran (Family of Imran) 3:8-14

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

Hope this helps! 

Ayat Of The Day: Ali' Imran (Family of Imran) 3:1-7

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #46 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

The last day of the semester was a bittersweet one indeed. The day started off the class test which I somehow finished in 10 minutes and spent the rest of the 50 minutes doodling and writing code. 

To be honest, I was surprised that there were only 10 questions given that the Foundations of Computing module's class test had 6 questions but only gave 30 minutes to do them. Anyway, I'm glad it went so well Alhamdulillah since I was really stressed out that I would run out of time.

Interestingly enough, the lecturer went through the test in the programming lecture we had later that day. This is where the bitter part of the day entered, after going through all the answers I realised I made a silly mistake so naturally, I was quite annoyed with myself given that I finished the test in only 10 minutes!

I guess that's another lesson learnt; never finish early and if you do, check your answers! 

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #45 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Day 45, the penultimate day of the semester. Due to the class test of the programming module, the usual 9am programming lab was scheduled as a "drop in" session i.e. attendance was not compulsory since no new content was being covered.

Anyway, that would normally mean I would have the day off but, my computer systems lab was rescheduled to from 9am on Thursday (the day of the test) to Wednesday at 11am. I arrived at 11am to find out that no one is even at the lab due to a timetabling error. 

An email was sent at around 10am stating the lab was rescheduled to 1pm which quite frankly, was ridiculous. So, I just attended another lab running at 11am to avoid having to waste 2 hours waiting for the 1pm one. Besides, I got all my coursework done so there was really no need to wait that long, especially the the class test the next day.

Hope this helps!

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #44 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

I can’t believe I’ve actually caught up. Just a few days ago I was like 10 days behind on these blogs and now, Alhamdulillah, I’m finally back on track. It’s probably because my data ran out a few days ago and doesn’t renew till after the semester ends meaning I can only pass time on the the train via blogging.

Besides, my fingers have got used to typing in the cold so it’s not so bad. Let this serve as a lesson regardless; keep track of your mobile data! I know most people these days have contracts with a ridiculous amount of mobile data so they don’t really have to worry but, I prefer to be more conservative and use the minimal amount.

It was actually going pretty smoothly until I “accidentally” watched a video on my data which pretty much drained most of it. So, if you’re in a situation like me simply don’t watch videos unless you’re on WiFi!

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #43 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

It’s the final week with only four more days to go till the semester ends! I must say it came sooner than expected but anyways, time flies when you’re having fun right? This week, as aforementioned in an earlier post I believe, is basically dedicated to revision.

With that said, I was sort of disappointed of how the programming revision lecture went. The lecturer basically went through all the slides of the module in the first hour and asked students which content they want to go over again in the second hour.

That approach, although admittedly useful in smaller groups, is definitely pointless in a lecture with around 400 people. To be honest, half the auditorium was empty anyway, but I digress. The better thing to do in my opinion is to actually go through questions with the cohort in attendance to better prepare them for the exam itself.

The Elementary Logic module’s revision lecture pretty much went through the whole module without asking the students. Still a bit dissatisfying to see them use the same approach as the programming lecture but it was an improvement nonetheless.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #42 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

So, this post is for the last Friday of the semester. Technically, next Friday is the last one but since my last timetabled day is Thursday, I have Friday off completely next week. Today simply consisted of an hour’s tutorial on the Foundations of Computing module which I was completely unprepared for. 

But, somehow I learnt more in that tutorial than I did in 2 weeks’ worth of lectures. Just goes to show how obsolete lectures are becoming, or should I say have become. It’s not even because lecture capture exists, it’s also due to the fact that with the advent of smartphones amongst other devices, the average attention span of people in general is decreasing.

I remember reading an article about it somewhere but anyways, the point being made is simply that I managed to learn 4 hours’ worth of material in 1 hour. Nothing more to it really.

Hope this helps!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Ayat Of The Day: Al Baqarah (The Cow) 2:253-259

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #41 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Today I was really late, partly due to my own fault but also due to the delays on the train. I don’t get how I can come on time for 9ams but for a 3pm lecture, I walk in half an hour late. This was also the penultimate Computer Systems lecture so it actually ended half an hour early since all the content that remained for the day was reasonably short.

So, doing the math you can easily work out I only went for essentially an hour. I was somewhat relieved that the lecture ended early so I could beat the rush hour traffic but then I realised, my train home might be having delays too. Luckily, that wasn’t the case.

Besides, at this point I only had 7 teaching days left so I just wanted the holidays to start already. Now that I think of it, Christmas holidays aren’t really holidays anymore with January exams but, at least I don’t have to waste about 2 hours a day travelling.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #40 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Well, this is essentially the last week of the semester since no new content is covered next week. The last week of the semester is dedicated to revision and of course, the programming class test on the 13th of December (which is also the last day of term for me).

Today wasn’t as productive as it could’ve been, mainly due to being exhausted by the programming assignment submitted the previous day. Plus, there wasn’t really anything of immediate importance anyway. 

All that remains in the semester is a couple of lab assignments for the Computer Systems module and the aforementioned test. I’m actually writing this a week late, so I can hardly remember what happened last Monday anyway other than the fact that it was raining a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. 

Everyone either had an umbrella, a raincoat, or both whilst I simply embraced the pouring rain with none of those. For some reason, I seem to be the only one who actually enjoys walking in the rain, but I digress.

That’s all for today, be sure to check out the next day’s post too!

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #39 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Okay, I believe I left off at last Thursday if memory serves. At this point, My programming part of my assignment should have been completed but alas, the reality was far from it. The thing about programming is, you never really know how much progress you’ve made. 

With writing assignments on the other hand, you can. Usually, there’s a word count which you have to meet so you can simply measure how much you’ve got left to do by working out how many words are left. Simples. 

With coding, you can’t simply count the lines of code and equate that to progress.
For all you know, the program might not even work as intended or even worse, it may not compile at all. 

Even with regular testing, you still can’t measure progress since you may need to change or refactor code in your assignment later on anyway. I know the same can apply for writing, but changing words in a Word document is infinitely easier than changing even a single character in a program.

Anyways, I did end up finishing my assignment by Sunday (which is when the deadline was) but I definitely could have saved myself a lot of had a started earlier.

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Ayat Of The Day: Al Baqarah (The Cow) 2:246-252

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu World!

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #38 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

At this point there were only like 5 days left before the deadline so naturally, stress was starting to overtake what was left of my sane mind. I remember having this problem with code that took hours to solve but once I actually figured it out, it was even more maddening at how I didn’t see it sooner. 

Anyway, lesson learnt and let this be a tip to all you budding future programmers out there; always document your code as you go. If you’re not going to finish your program in one sitting, it’s definitely a good habit to get into. 

The code you write and fully understand one day will look like hieroglyphs the next. So, if you don’t want to be pulling your hair out over some unreadable code you wrote the day before, comment it.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #37 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Okay, so let’s get straight into it. By this time, if memory serves of course, I had implemented all the base functionality required for an improved version of the game. This included refactoring some of the base code as well as creating some new classes to extend the game.

The thing about coding games is that it can be really repetitive to do so. However, I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy doing this project. Programming, at times, can be really fun. 

It’s like solving a puzzle step by step but it does get mildly annoying when you get stuck and even more infuriating when you have to search through 1000s of lines of code for an elusive logic error. When you find the bug though, or if you find it I should say, it’s extremely satisfying.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #36 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

It’s been too long, literally. I’m like 10 days behind on these blogs and today’s severe train delay finally woke me up I guess (and yes, I was late). Anyway, I think I’m going to start from last Monday and work my way towards the present.

Truth be told, the programming assignment we had was literally taking up all my time, so I completely forgot about posting. However, now that it’s all done, I can continue on posting on a regular basis InShaAllah. In actuality it was completed on Sunday, so I missed Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts for basically no reason.

Now that I think of it, I can hardly remember what happened in any of the days of last week so I have no clue how to actually write this post. I guess for once, I can write about what I did outside uni for once since I actually remember that stuff.

Anyways, I started my assignment a week late due to some bizarre reason which is why it occupied all my time last week. I may have mentioned this in previous blogs but, the programming assignment was to make a text-based adventure game akin to “World of Zuul”.

In fact, the base code received for the assignment was for the aforementioned game and we had to improve it to make the game more interesting. So, I guess what I’ll do for the remaining “catch up” posts is talk about the assignment which will prove useful to all of you I hope.

Hope this helps!

Monday, 3 December 2018

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #93 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!   9-11am Internet Systems lecture I know, I know. It’s been a while. In my admittedly...