As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Hope this helps!
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Monday, 18 February 2019
Sunday, 17 February 2019
Saturday, 16 February 2019
Friday, 15 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #67 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Today’s programming lecture was one of the few lectures that actually captivated me, not because the lecturer was being particularly interesting but because of the content that was being taught. It was about GUIs and although the material was fairly elementary so far, it was really interesting to see how they’re made.
The same can’t be said for the morning’s 3-hour software engineering lecture. I feel like the content is really dragged out just to fit the whole semester when in reality, the material can be easily be covered within a week.
Anyways, I need to put my head down to make some serious progress on all my assignments. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before but here’s a tip: start your coursework as soon as it’s set. That way, you’ll be done with it or nearly done by the time you get an assignment for another module.
Maybe it’s just me but, having multiple assignments due in a short period of time can be really stressful. I mean, it’s coming to the point where I’m even coding on the train when I’m not blogging, if I manage to secure a seat of course.
Hope this helps!
Today’s programming lecture was one of the few lectures that actually captivated me, not because the lecturer was being particularly interesting but because of the content that was being taught. It was about GUIs and although the material was fairly elementary so far, it was really interesting to see how they’re made.
The same can’t be said for the morning’s 3-hour software engineering lecture. I feel like the content is really dragged out just to fit the whole semester when in reality, the material can be easily be covered within a week.
Anyways, I need to put my head down to make some serious progress on all my assignments. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before but here’s a tip: start your coursework as soon as it’s set. That way, you’ll be done with it or nearly done by the time you get an assignment for another module.
Maybe it’s just me but, having multiple assignments due in a short period of time can be really stressful. I mean, it’s coming to the point where I’m even coding on the train when I’m not blogging, if I manage to secure a seat of course.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #66 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
I just realised that there’s no reading week this semester which is sort of annoying since I planned to do some serious catch up in that time. No matter, I will just have to pretend that next is reading and get some significant work done. Not much else to say except that I was unusually late for my programming lab today. A bit of a weird post in hindsight but anyways.
Hope this helps!
I just realised that there’s no reading week this semester which is sort of annoying since I planned to do some serious catch up in that time. No matter, I will just have to pretend that next is reading and get some significant work done. Not much else to say except that I was unusually late for my programming lab today. A bit of a weird post in hindsight but anyways.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #65 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
I think it’s finally safe to say that it’s almost spring since the weather has significantly improved recently. I mean, it’s still fairly chilly but compared to the snow and the wet and windy weather that transpired earlier in the month, it’s a big improvement nonetheless.
Anyway, today consisted of a 2-hour databases lab which wasn’t too interesting so I decided to work on my software engineering project instead since nearly my whole team was in at that time. Then followed an hour’s data structures tutorial and a 2-hour lecture which was useful I guess but the weight of all the coursework that needs to be done prevented me from taking away much from the 3-hour session.
Hope this helps!
I think it’s finally safe to say that it’s almost spring since the weather has significantly improved recently. I mean, it’s still fairly chilly but compared to the snow and the wet and windy weather that transpired earlier in the month, it’s a big improvement nonetheless.
Anyway, today consisted of a 2-hour databases lab which wasn’t too interesting so I decided to work on my software engineering project instead since nearly my whole team was in at that time. Then followed an hour’s data structures tutorial and a 2-hour lecture which was useful I guess but the weight of all the coursework that needs to be done prevented me from taking away much from the 3-hour session.
Hope this helps!
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #64 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
I don’t have much to say about today since it was a pretty generic day but what I do want to talk about is summer internships. Now, I know what you’re thinking, getting an in internship in your first year is nearly impossible. That may be true but that shouldn’t deter one from applying.
Not all internships require second or third year students. In fact, a lot of internships don’t have any bias against first years, they’re more interested in what experience you have. Naturally, for a practical subject like computer science one would have gained enough experience in the first year through projects etc. to be a viable candidate.
Besides that, you should apply just for the sake of gaining the experience of the whole application process. Trust me, It’ll help you out in the years to come. Also, you don’t have to apply for computer science related internships if you’re afraid of getting rejected. There’s loads of opportunities available outside the computing industry if you look in the right places.
My recommendation is, if you haven’t already, to make a CV/resume and a cover letter as soon as possible. The first of week of university is the ideal time to do it since there’s not much going on in terms of school work.
Moreover, you want to start applying ASAP. Most openings have deadlines very early in the academic year, so you don’t want to wait till the Christmas holidays when half of them have expired. Ideally, you should be applying from the very first week and apply to as many as possible, even if they don’t seem too appealing.
In a nutshell, apply for internships in your first year even if you’re likely to get rejected. Simples.
Hope this helps!
I don’t have much to say about today since it was a pretty generic day but what I do want to talk about is summer internships. Now, I know what you’re thinking, getting an in internship in your first year is nearly impossible. That may be true but that shouldn’t deter one from applying.
Not all internships require second or third year students. In fact, a lot of internships don’t have any bias against first years, they’re more interested in what experience you have. Naturally, for a practical subject like computer science one would have gained enough experience in the first year through projects etc. to be a viable candidate.
Besides that, you should apply just for the sake of gaining the experience of the whole application process. Trust me, It’ll help you out in the years to come. Also, you don’t have to apply for computer science related internships if you’re afraid of getting rejected. There’s loads of opportunities available outside the computing industry if you look in the right places.
My recommendation is, if you haven’t already, to make a CV/resume and a cover letter as soon as possible. The first of week of university is the ideal time to do it since there’s not much going on in terms of school work.
Moreover, you want to start applying ASAP. Most openings have deadlines very early in the academic year, so you don’t want to wait till the Christmas holidays when half of them have expired. Ideally, you should be applying from the very first week and apply to as many as possible, even if they don’t seem too appealing.
In a nutshell, apply for internships in your first year even if you’re likely to get rejected. Simples.
Hope this helps!
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Sunday, 10 February 2019
Friday, 8 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #63 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
I don’t know why but it seems every time I start early I actually have the decency to arrive on time but whenever I start in the afternoon, I’m late 9 times out of 10. This was the case today. The day started with a 1pm programming lecture and I was late by a few minutes. Not a big deal I know, but, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I never used to be like this in primary or secondary school.
Anyway, in the following database systems lecture which covered SQL, there was a new lecturer. The only reason I’m mentioning this is because despite the content being essentially a revision of A-level, the lecturer was one of the few who made things interesting. It’s probably because he’s relatively young and therefore, full of energy.
Regardless, he’s definitely a serious contender for my lecturer of the year. That’s all for today, be sure to check out tomorrow’s post InShaAllah.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #62 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Another day, another coursework set. Yeah, it’s that time of the semester when the assignments start being set. Today’s one was the first coursework for data structures. It doesn’t look too hard but there’s already the pair programming and software engineering projects I have to worry about. The database systems coursework should be set soon too so things are going to get hectic to say the least.
Anyway, today’s 2-hour pair programming lab turned out to be a normal lab since my partner didn’t turn up. Still, I got a substantial amount of work done which leads me to believe this assignment is actually quite doable with one person, the only reason it’s a pair programming one is simply to experience this commonly used practice in industry.
Hopefully, I can complete this by the weekend, so I can move on to my other assignments. I already know this is going to be highly unlikely since I finished the last coursework on the last day before the deadline. Although, that coursework was considerably longer than this one, or so it seems.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #61 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
The third assignment for the programming module was assigned today and unlike the previous two, this was a pair programming coursework. Just a quick recap, the first one was about a property viewer app and the second, about an adventure game.
Anyway, this one is about a predator-prey simulator and we are required to select a partner for the assignment who is in our lab classes. While I’m at it, I may as well let you guys know about the 4th assignment which, despite not being released anytime soon, is quite evidently a group project.
In regard to the day itself, it was a weird one to be sure. I somehow misread my timetable and thought my 9am data structures lab actually began at 10am. So, I arrived an hour late. I guess this is what happens when you only have one 9am start per 2 weeks, you completely forget you ever start at 9 in the first place.
Contrastingly, I had seven 9am starts per 2 weeks last semester. This reminds me, I still need to do a review of all the first semester modules. That’s all for today.
Hope this helps!
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #60 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Day 60 was very stimulating indeed, not because of the 5 hours’ worth of lectures on software engineering and programming but, because of what happened during the breaks. There’s a tradition that you don’t graduate until you find floor -5. Sounds pretty straightforward right? Well, the elevator only goes to floor -4 so you have to conjure up a bit of ingenuity to locate the floor below.
Logically, trying every set of stairs from -4 would eventually lead to the mysterious -5 but, there’s more than one way to get there. In fact, I didn’t use any stairs from floor -4 at all. I, and a group of friends, were just going for a stroll during the hourly 10-minute break of the software engineering lecture which was on -2 and we stumbled upon a peculiar set of stairs.
Naturally, curiosity led us to explore said steps which led to a floor which initially was completely dark. As we ventured through the clandestine floor, the lights started to turn on. It wasn’t long before we realised that this was in fact the elusive floor -5.
There was no one there to be seen and all the doors required no ID card scans which was weird. Eventually, after wandering pretty aimlessly for a while, we discovered the water and electricity system. It was obvious this floor was only for caretakers but that didn’t stop us from investigating further.
The electricity system was well hidden behind a set of doors with clear warnings. The water system was a different kettle of fish altogether (pun not intended). There was a massive pipe which led to a series of pipes in the floor below, floor -6. You could even hear the water gushing in the floor below since there was small area on the floor of -5 that was made out of a steel cage so you could see the pipes below.
Anyway, that didn’t hold our interest for too long since we had bigger things to explore. And after a while, we finally found the entrance to floor -6. I say entrance because instead of a traditional set of stairs, there was a square shaped whole in the ground. None of us dared to venture there since it had no lighting whatsoever and was surrounded by pipes.
However, InShaAllah next week I intend to go to that floor and uncover further mysteries. Well, this post was a different from the norm but that’s it for today.
Hope this helps!
Monday, 4 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #59 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Day 59 was supposed to be a Wednesday but for whatever
reason, I decided not to go that day. In actuality, that’s the second time I
had missed a day (the first being a Wednesday too due to a train strike).
Do I regret it? Sort of but, it was snowing a lot so I can’t
be too hard on myself. Anyway, on to today, the day that the first group
meeting for the software engineering project was scheduled for. The meeting was
productive but shorter than expected. A group study room was booked for an hour
but the meeting ended in about 20 minutes.
Still, at least we can finally start work on the project.
Here’s a tip: it’s best to split your group into teams that tackle tasks
individually, kind of like taking a divide and conquer approach. Work gets done
in parallel and therefore more quickly.
However, there are some drawbacks to this approach. At some
point, there may be dependencies between tasks so it’s vital each team is
working at a consistent level so no one falls behind. Anyway, it’s just the
beginning so I guess we can adapt our strategy as the project progresses.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #58 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
I think today is the first time I’ve had 5 consecutive hours of teaching with no break which, is not as bad as it sounds. The first segment of that 5-hour marathon was the introductory databases lab. At first, I had no idea what I was doing but then I got the gist of it after looking through the lecture slides.
Anyway, time went reasonably quickly once I knew I was doing and before I knew it, the lab was over. 2 hours down, 3 to go. The remaining hours took the form of a 2-hour data structures lecture followed by the usual 1-hour tutorial.
Actually, for some reason, the tutorials always come first for Data Structures. The lecturer believes having it first refreshes our memory on last week’s content which is fine but, I’d rather it was the other way round like every other module.
The tutorial was pretty useful indeed but the same can’t be said for the lecture. Regardless, I made it through the 5 hours and it wasn’t too bad, I guess I’ll just have to get used to it.
Hope this helps!
Saturday, 2 February 2019
Friday, 1 February 2019
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #57 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Today we (finally) got our coursework for the group project
which is due at the end of the semester and it was surprising to say the least.
The project is about a fashion inventory management improvement system and
guess what? There is no programming whatsoever.
I know software engineering is not limited to simply coding
but I was very underwhelmed when I found out. All that is required is a report
of 15 pages max. That’s it. Literally. What’s even more confusing is that why
we get the whole semester for something so elementary. It’s just typing at the
end of the day.
Don’t get me wrong, I like more time to do something than
needed as much as the next guy but I guess my disappointed overshadowed
whatever solace I could find in that. Anyway, that’s all for today.
Hope this helps!
A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #56 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
Well, I’m a week behind. Anyways, I think I’ll take this
opportunity to shed some light on group projects. Firstly, the last thing you
want to do is work with your friends. I know that may seem counterintuitive
but, this isn’t school anymore.
Your grades count for a lot and unless your friends are very
organised and hardworking, there is little to no point in working with them. I
know it may seem harsh, but you have to do what’s best for you, even if it
isn’t the most politically correct thing to do.
Obviously, observe the niceties when telling said friends
that you don’t want to work with them and since they’re your friends, they’ll
understand. Simples. Why am I telling you this? Well, it’s because for my
software engineering group project I decided that my friends would be a good
option to work with and initially I had no regrets.
However, the plot thickens. The first meeting was scheduled
and then one person out of the 6 cancelled in the last minute. We had a room
booked and everyone agreed on the time but for the most nonsensical reason, one
of our members decided not to come on the day.
Now, I’m willing it to let it slide since it’s a friend and
we can always catch up. But, if this were to happen again I wouldn’t be as
forgiving. It’s only the first year so I guess you can get away with by
choosing your friends but for the second-year group project, last-minute
cancellations can have more severe consequences.
So, that’s my advice. Unless you know your friends are
hardworking etc., you’re better off not working with them.
Hope this helps!
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A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #93 (ADITLOAKCCS)
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World! 9-11am Internet Systems lecture I know, I know. It’s been a while. In my admittedly...
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World! This is a sticky post with all my resources. Because I'm nice like that 😎 The...
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World! All of these are available on OCR's website but I thought it would be nice to ha...
As Salamu Alaykum W a Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World ! Was looking through all the resources I have to decide what to share for today...