I don't think I've ever shared a software development resource before but I found these 2 resources which aren't specifically for the H046/H446 spec (they aren't even specifically for A level, let alone for OCR) but hey, when resources are scarce you have to make do with anything you find.
They only cover 2 out of the 5 software development methodologies you need to know: the waterfall life-cycle and agile development methods. Obviously if you want all 5 covered in the detail that the spec requires you can always take a look at the sneak peek of my revision guide.
Anyway, the whole software development topic, like any other theoretical one, is quite simple. You just have to know what each method is along with the relative pros and cons of each.
I think i'll make a post soon that has ALL the resources I've ever shared on this blog all in one folder so all you lovely people don't have to go searching for them by clicking on different posts (at times like this I wish I made a website *cries*).
Here's the links:
Hope this helps!
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