Friday, 29 December 2017

The Inspiration Behind My Resources: The Ultimate OCR A Level Computer Science Dictionary

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

You may have wondered from where do I get my ideas for my resources, well, wonder no more for i'm making a series of blog posts where I divulge everything regarding the inspiration for my resources (well, almost everything).

My very first resource, The Ultimate OCR A Level Computer Science Dictionary, was actually based entirely on my own revision notes. That's the first version anyway. As time progressed, I found ways of improving it and now we're at version 4.0 with the next (and probably final iteration) coming very soon InShaAllah.

One thing that I noticed was that out of the 5 textbooks/revision guides that I've used, none of them had a glossary. I mean if it was a subject like maths i'd be like OK but for a subject like this which is about 80% theory, how can you not have a glossary? 

Maybe they were too lazy to make one or whatever but that really amazed me especially since some of these textbooks were actually endorsed by OCR themselves which doesn't mean anything in my humble opinion. However, it does go to show how poor resources get endorsed so easily by an exam board that has a poorly written specification.

Apart from the poor quality resources I've used, the main inspiration was actually a resource I didn't use because it was quite possibly the worst resource I had ever laid my eyes on. 

It was so bad that I even made a blog post titled: Possibly The Worst Computing Resource Ever which you can check out by clicking the link. Anyway, the resource itself, like my own resource, is simply a glossary or "dictionary" as I like to call it of all the key terms you need to know for the exam.

Suffice to say the resource didn't go through anything even remotely related to its spec which really annoyed me. So, instead of just complaining like everyone else I decided to do something about it.

Hope this helps!

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