Thursday, 21 September 2017

Here's A Few Resources For Learning Floating Point Representation & Normalisation

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

You may remember my previous post on floating point representation, if you don't then basically I shared a resource with some exercises that at the time I could not find the answers for.

After a bit of digging I found it and a couple of other useful resources all related to the binary part of the spec. I'm not saying these resources are created for the new spec, but binary is a topic in Computer Science that pretty much stays universally the same across all specifications.

Anyway, alongside the answers to the exercises aforementioned there's a floating point representation presentation (that does go a bit overboard on the topic so make sure to check with the spec and the subject content clarification guide on what exactly do you need to know) and some normalisation resources.

As I've said before (probably), this topic isn't hard at all. Just because it looks a bit mathematical doesn't mean it's impossible to do for those of you who don't like maths. Besides, Computer Science has loads of Maths in it anyway but luckily the OCR spec doesn't go too deep into the mathematical side.

Here's the link: Binary Resources Folder

Hope this helps!   

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