Friday, 25 August 2017

OCR A Level Computer Science Programming Project Guides

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

I (luckily) stumbled upon these resources in my old school's "N Drive" which is essentially the public drive accessible to students where teachers upload resources. Not a lot of teachers give up their resources to students so easily but the Head of Computer Science at my old school was quite generous to share tons of resources on that drive. 

Even though my school was terrible (bottom 10% of the most socioeconomically deprived schools in the UK) the Head of Computer Science would support us the best he could to ensure we got the grades we needed. And for that I am grateful.

Anyways, I plan to share as many as resources as I can on this blog (that aren't copyrighted of course) so everyone can benefit InShaAllah. The first of these is particularly useful, it is a guide/template of what you should include in your NEA (non examined assessment) or simply coursework for you simple folk.  This guide is split into 5 sections which give information on the following:

  1. Background & Investigation
  2. Analysis
  3. Design of the Solution
  4. Programming & Testing
  5. Evaluation of the Solution
Personally, I HATE COURSEWORK! It's not that I can't keep up with deadlines, it's just you have to do so much work for something that in most subjects counts for so little (except maybe Art or Design and Technology). Let's take A level Computer Science for example, the coursework is only worth 20% and yet your documentation alone is probably going to end up being 100+ pages just to get a good mark.

Coursework can be even more frustrating when your teacher doesn't like you so he/she marks your work in a biased fashion. I know some people might say that it's much easier than exams as there's far less pressure etc. but for me coursework is the bone of contention in every subject that includes coursework. At GCSE it was tolerable to an extent, but to think I'd have to put up with coursework again in A level was ridiculous.   

I didn't even realise A level Computer Science had a programming project until AFTER I chose it, but that still wasn't enough to make me quit my favourite subject. Anyway, enough ranting. Computer Science is a practical subject so it's only logical that it has coursework. Maybe I wouldn't hate it so much if I wasn't self studying the subject independently.

Back to the matter at hand, I think this resource was meant for the old H047/H447 spec but nevertheless it is still quite applicable to the new H046/H446 spec's coursework component as well. I'm also thinking of sharing my own tips for doing the project but I will blog those in the next post InShaAllah. The links are shown below:

Hope this helps!

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