Wednesday, 11 July 2018


As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Well, it's been a week without me posting (so much for my everyday schedule) and I've realised posting everyday without really having anything to post about is going to be harder than expected.

The textbook is going to take a really long time to finish but I aim to get it done before the start of the academic year InShaAllah. With that said, whilst I do this I won't be able to make other resources to share on a daily basis so I guess my posting schedule goes out the window.

I think I'll stick to the old routine of posting on weekends which is reasonably manageable. Trouble is, I still won't have any resources to share and will probably just post updates on the textbook.

Anyway, progress on the textbook has been seriously hindered by the fact that my old computer pretty much died on me so I still need to retrieve a few files before I can actually get started. 

Like any person of sound mind, I backed up nearly everything but unfortunately I forgot the most important file which had pretty much all the content for component 2. Once I get that InShaAllah, it should be smooth sailing.

So basically, I've still only done the cover page and by this weekend I should be able to get started on the actual content. It "only" took just over a week to write 30-page revision guide so if we extrapolate for a 100-page textbook, we can deduce that it will take approximately a month's time to get it done InShaAllah.

Hope this helps!

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