Saturday, 2 September 2017

A Detailed (And A Bit Complex) Presentation For Learning Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort & Big O Notation

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!

Before I get into today's post you may be wondering where was I yesterday? Well, it was Eid al-Adha so I decided to take a little break (plus for some reason I had no idea what to do for yesterday's post). 

I have however tagged my posts with labels so they're easier to find according to what you're looking for so I guess that counts for something. Anyway, it has felt like forever since I've posted so without further ado, let today's post begin!

I had to do quite a bit of digging to find this resource so I'm glad that it was actually worth it since this correlates with the Algorithms part of the AS H046 spec quite well. The only fault I could give that perhaps it's too complex at times and has a lot more info than you need. 

Nevertheless, it covers pretty much all you need to know about Bubble sort, Insertion sort and Big O Notation so I think it's still a good resource. Obviously this only has 2 algorithms but if you need all the algorithms required for the entire A level specification then just check out one of my earlier posts here.

I believe some of the content in this presentation borders on university level computer science so don't worry if you don't get all of it. You can check with the AS subject content clarification guide to find out what you need to know specifically about these topics. If you're too lazy to click the link then you can just check below the parts of the spec that are addressed in this presentation:

Candidates need to understand the need for standard sorting algorithms. Candidates need to understand how the sorting algorithms bubble and insertion work and the situations when each can, and cannot be used. Candidates need to be able to use the algorithms to sort data, and complete, write and correct algorithms to perform each sorting algorithm. 

Candidates need to understand how the choice of algorithm can be affected by the data set. Candidates need to understand the impact of specific algorithms on speed and memory use. Candidates are not expected to know about Big O notation, but should be aware of how and when a program can use more memory, or can take longer to run and be able to compare algorithms to determine which will use more/less memory, and which will run faster/slower.

So in summary, for the AS exams you just need to understand the need for the sorting algorithms and be able to implement them. You don't need to know Big O Notation for AS explicitly, but you do need to know the difference that specific algorithms have on speed and memory use. 

Here's the link: OCR AS Level Computer Science Algorithms Presentation 

Hope this helps!

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